Unlock Wellness with Sauna: Beyond Heat to Red Light and Wraps

Sauna sessions have long been recognized for their health benefits, but did you know that variations like Red Light Therapy and body plastic wraps can elevate your experience and health gains? Perfect for combating jet lag, detoxifying, and overall rejuvenation, let's dive into why sauna should be on your wellness radar.


The Benefits of Sauna

  • Detoxification: Sweating in a sauna helps eliminate toxins from the body.
  • Combat Jet Lag: The heat helps reset your internal body clock, easing the symptoms of jet lag.

Red Light Therapy

Enhance your sauna sessions with Red Light Therapy, which:

  • Boosts Collagen: Great for youthful, plumper skin.
  • Improves Circulation: Can help relieve muscle and joint pain.

Body Plastic Wraps

Wrap yourself up before stepping into the sauna to:

  • Intensify Detox: Sweating through the wrap can help you shed extra toxins.
  • Skin Tightening: Experience a natural firming effect post-session.

Legs Up the Wall

End your sauna session with this yoga pose to:

  • Relieve Leg Fatigue: Perfect after a day of travel or standing.
  • Enhance Circulation: Helps blood flow back towards the heart for overall well-being.

**The VFA Directory is also a useful tool for finding wellness services, including saunas, during your layovers.

So why wait? Get into the sauna and experience these wonderful health benefits for yourself!

Disclaimer: Consult a healthcare provider for personalized medical advice before engaging in any new wellness practices.